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The design and production of the pulse oximeter product under the name “Pulsetto” was done by Metotec Design Lab.
Pulsetto Co.
medical device
Mohammad Reza Faridi Zad
Saeed Khosravi

Overview Projects

The design level of this project has been determined and implemented based on the competitors in the market and the client’s resources.
Therefore, the simplest and most efficient form possible was used to differentiate between this product and its other competitors.
Among the challenges in the molding and production of this product was to create a uniform surface without additions and of very high quality so that
“Palsetto” could compete with similar products and gain a good share of the sales market. Also, the combination of white and dark gray color is used to create a suitable contrast.


Design Pattern | Inspiration | Research



Idea Generation | Brain Storming | Design Supports



Prototypes | Design Documents | Play Tests

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